You Are Not Alone

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You are not the first, nor will you be the last person we talk or email with about you or your pet's condition. Sometimes, it must feel like you are the only one who has ever dealt with this. Doctors and veterinarians tell you it's in your head, or while writing a prescription you are afraid to use after reading the side effects.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth won't solve every symptom or condition, however for many, it is what finally made the difference. Over the last decade, we have had thousands of conversations about a multitude of painful and mortifying issues.

Don't be shy or embarassed

Pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and call us at 800-870-2170 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Pacific Time

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This site designed and built by the staff of Lumino Wellness.

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We're Here for you

We're here to help, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Call us at 800-870-2170